Exploring Azure Firewall Pricing: From Beginner to Pro

Azure Firewall Pricing

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-based solutions, ensuring the security of their infrastructure has become a paramount concern. Among the options available, Azure Firewall is a popular choice for safeguarding applications, services, and virtual networks within the cloud environment. 

However, comprehending the pricing model of this solution can take time and effort. In this article, we delve into Azure Firewall pricing, guiding you from a beginner’s level to advanced insights, enabling you to understand the costs of this essential security solution thoroughly.

What Is Azure Firewall?

  • Azure Firewall is an essential service that allows administrators to establish and enforce network security policies across various Azure resources. It acts as a protective barrier between the internet and your resources in the cloud, providing robust security features and several benefits.
  • One of the key advantages of Azure Firewall is its high availability. It is deployed as a fully managed service and backed by robust availability Service Level Agreements (SLAs). That ensures Azure Firewall remains accessible and operational, minimizing the risk of security breaches and downtime.
  • Security is a top priority with Azure Firewall. It functions as a stateful firewall, which means it can intelligently filter incoming and outgoing traffic based on various criteria. That includes considerations such as ports, protocols, and source and destination IP addresses. With such granular control, administrators can allow or restrict access as needed, bolstering the security of your Azure resources.
  • Azure Firewall had also designed to be scalable, accommodating the growth of your applications and infrastructure. It offers a centralized management interface that simplifies the process of creating and enforcing rules. This centralized approach streamlines your security operations and allows for easy scalability as your application demands increase over time.

Understanding Azure Firewall Pricing

Understanding the pricing structure of Azure Firewall is essential for organizations considering its adoption. Various factors influence Azure Firewall pricing, including geographic location, traffic volume, number of rules, and IP addresses. It offers two pricing tiers: Basic and Standard. The Basic tier is more cost-effective but has limited features, while the Standard tier provides advanced capabilities at a higher cost.

The amount of data processed determines the cost of Azure Firewall. You pay based on the volume of traffic passing through the firewall. Additionally, there is an hourly pricing component for the rules you create and enforce. The rules determine how the firewall filters and allows traffic.

It’s important to note that if you require outbound public IP addresses, additional charges may be associated with them. It would help if you considered this when estimating the overall cost.

Azure offers a Pricing Calculator to help you plan your budget and estimate costs accurately. This tool allows you to input your specific requirements, including traffic volume and desired features, to estimate the costs associated with Azure Firewall.

Organizations can make informed decisions about adopting this security solution in the cloud environment by understanding the pricing structure and factors that influence Azure Firewall costs. It allows you to assess the financial impact and ensure the investment aligns with your budget and requirements.

Factors That Affect Azure Firewall Pricing

Let’s dive deeper into the factors that can affect Azure Firewall pricing:

  • Geographic Location

Azure Firewall pricing varies by geographic region. Factors like data centre costs, local regulations, and market competition influenced the pricing. For example, as of September 2021, in the US East region, the data processed pricing starts at $0.016 per GB for the first 5TB per month, whereas in the Asia Pacific region, pricing starts at $0.026 per GB for the same amount of data. It is essential to consider the pricing in your specific region to budget accurately.

  • Traffic Volume

Traffic volume is a crucial factor that can significantly impact Azure Firewall pricing. The more traffic your application handles, the more data will be processed by Azure Firewall, leading to increased costs. For example, let’s say you have an application that receives 1TB of monthly traffic, and Azure Firewall processes all that traffic. In this case, you will pay a minimum of $16 for data processed, regardless of whether any rules were created or enforced. Therefore, accurately estimating your traffic volume is important to understand the costs.

  • Number of Rules

Azure Firewall charges per hour of rule created and enforced. The more rules you create and enforce, the higher the hourly pricing will be. It is crucial to review the number of rules created and enforced monthly and ensure they are necessary. Reviewing the rules can help identify any redundant or unused rules, allowing you to optimize costs and reduce unnecessary expenses.

  • IP Addresses

Azure Firewall charges per outbound public IP address. The more IP addresses you use, the higher the pricing will be. Determining the number of public IP addresses required for your application or network architecture is essential. Avoid using more IP addresses than necessary to keep costs in check.

  • Other Factors

Other factors can affect Azure Firewall pricing. One such factor is the time required to create and enforce rules. Azure Firewall charges on an hourly basis for the rules created and enforced. That means the more time you spend creating and enforcing rules, the higher the costs will be. It is crucial to have a centralized management interface for Azure Firewall, which can help streamline the rule creation process and reduce the time required, ultimately resulting in cost savings.

Azure Firewall Pricing Tiers

Azure Firewall offers two pricing tiers: Basic and Standard. Let’s take a closer look at each tier:

  • Basic Pricing Tier

The Basic pricing tier had designed for entry-level applications that do not require advanced security features. It includes the following features:

  1. Scaled-out application rules
  2. One outbound public IP address
  3. 30 network rules per hour

Regarding pricing, the Basic tier follows the same data processed and hourly rule pricing mentioned earlier. For example, in the US East region, the data processed pricing starts at $0.016 per GB, and the hourly rule created and enforced pricing is $13.58.

  • Standard Pricing Tier

The Standard pricing tier offers more advanced security features for organizations that require enhanced protection. In addition to the features available in the Basic tier, it includes:

  1. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Services (IDPS)
  2. Web categories URL filtering
  3. Geo-IP filtering
  4. Multiple outbound public IP addresses
  5. 100 network rules per hour

The pricing for the Standard tier is the same as the Basic tier, following the data processed and hourly rule pricing. For example, in the US East region, the data processed pricing starts at $0.016 per GB, and the hourly rule created and enforced pricing is $54.32.


Choosing the appropriate pricing tier depends on your organization’s security requirements. The Basic tier provides cost-effective options for smaller applications, while the Standard tier offers more advanced security capabilities for larger and more complex environments.

Comparison with Other Cloud-based Firewall Solutions

It’s not just Azure Firewall that can protect your cloud-based infrastructure. Other options include AWS Firewall Manager and Google Cloud Platform Firewalls. But let’s look at how Azure Firewall stacks up against its main rivals regarding pricing.

Azure Firewall has the most competitive prices compared to its competitors, starting from $0.016 per GB of data processed. The next best option is AWS Firewall Manager, which costs $0.04 per GB of data processed. GCP Firewall is the most expensive of the three, starting at $0.05 per GB of data processed.

Remembering that pricing can differ depending on your location and specific needs is important. Whichever option you choose, ensure it meets your security needs and budget.

Azure Firewall Cost Savings Tips for Beginners

Here are some additional tips to help beginners save on Azure Firewall costs:

  • Use the Basic Tier for Small Applications

If your application does not require advanced security features, consider using the Basic tier, as it provides a cost-effective solution. Evaluate your application’s security needs and choose the appropriate pricing tier accordingly.

  • Review Rules Monthly

Regularly review the rules created and enforced to identify unused or redundant ones. By optimizing your rules, you can reduce unnecessary costs and ensure efficient use of Azure Firewall resources.

  • Use Azure Virtual Network Peering for Intra-region Connectivity

Consider using Azure Virtual Network peering for intra-region connectivity instead of routing all network traffic through Azure Firewall. By bypassing Azure Firewall for internal traffic, you can reduce the amount of data processed and lower costs.

By following these tips, beginners can optimize their Azure Firewall costs and achieve cost savings.


firewall cost

Azure Firewall is priced hourly, and the cost depends on the SKU (either Standard or Premium) you choose and the amount of data processed. The Standard SKU is for smaller organizations with basic security needs, while Premium is best for large, complex enterprises.

The cost of data processed is charged per gigabyte and includes both inbound and outbound traffic. Optimizing your traffic to lower costs is recommended if you process a lot of data—other costs include outbound data transfer fees, endpoint protection, and data protection.

The Pricing Calculator tool had used to estimate the Azure Firewall cost. Simply input your requirements, including the SKU and data usage, to get an estimate.

Azure web application firewall pricing

The cost of using Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) is important to know if you want to use it in your organization. The price had based on how many rules you create and how much traffic goes through. The more rules/policies you make, the more it may cost. Also, the price can go up if you have a lot of traffic going through it.


Using other Azure services, like Data Transfer or Azure Application Gateway, might add more costs. It’s important to remember this if you’re considering using them together.


Luckily, Azure has a Pricing Calculator tool that helps you determine how much it will cost you. You can enter things like how many rules/policies you need and how much traffic you expect, and it will give you an estimate of how much you’ll need to pay.


By understanding the pricing of Azure WAF, you can make a plan that fits your budget and your security needs for web applications. It’s worth thinking carefully about the rules/policies you create to keep costs down.


Understanding Azure Firewall pricing is essential for effectively budgeting and optimizing costs. By considering factors such as geographic location, traffic volume, number of rules, and IP addresses, you can better understand the costs associated with Azure Firewall. Additionally, choosing the appropriate pricing tier based on your security requirements and comparing Azure Firewall with other cloud-based firewall solutions can ensure cost-effectiveness. 


Finally, implementing cost-saving measures such as using the Basic tier for small applications, regularly reviewing rules, and utilizing Azure Virtual Network peering can help beginners minimize costs and achieve the desired level of security within their budget.

Frequently asked questions about Azure Firewall pricing

Azure Firewall pricing had influenced by geographic location, traffic volume, number of rules, and IP addresses. The more data Azure Firewall processes, the more expensive the service becomes.

The price range for Azure Firewall depends on several factors, such as the geographic location and the pricing tier. As of September 2021, the data processed pricing in the US East region starts at $0.016 per GB for the first 5TB per month for the Basic tier.

Azure Firewall offers two pricing tiers: Basic and Standard. The Basic tier is designed for entry-level applications, while the Standard tier offers more advanced security features for larger and more complex environments.

The Azure Firewall Basic tier includes scaled-out application rules, one outbound public IP address, and 30 network rules per hour. The pricing for this tier follows the same data processed and hourly rule pricing as the Standard tier.

In addition to the features available in the Basic tier, the Azure Firewall Standard tier includes Intrusion Detection and Prevention Services (IDPS), geo-IP filtering, web categories URL filtering, multiple outbound public IP addresses, and 100 network rules per hour.